Start building your riding confidence today!

Are you fed up with trying to ride your horse with jelly legs, tipping forwards in the saddle, creeping your hands up the reins, feeling sick and kinda just waiting for your horse to explode…?
Plus, there seems to be a spiral of the worst-case scenarios playing out in your mind?
I’m here to end that and help riders like you overcome their nerves, anxiety, and negative thought patterns so that they can become more confident, calm, and proactive riders.
Y’know, the type of riders who actually get excited about riding and having lots of fun with their horses…
I’ve created a FREE downloadable guide, packed with some of my favourite techniques, to help you become more positive and excited about riding again.
Here’s what’s inside your guide:
The simplest exercise to unpick your fear, nerves and anxiety
The key things that your mind doesn’t know and how it plays tricks on you
The essential questions you need to ask to change your experience
PLUS 16 other techniques and tips to help you overcome your unhelpful thinking patterns and negative emotions so you can feel more calm, confident and positive
So, stop beating yourself up, and struggling with constant nerves, anxiety and ‘what ifs’ about riding your horse, and start your journey to confidence today.
“Thank you so much for your guide! It’s helped me massively! My horse spooks much less because I’m more relaxed and riding him much less defensively. I’m improving every time I get on him. Thanks again!”