Real or Imagined?

Real or Imagined?

Have you ever really thought about how your mind works? The principles of NLP consider there to be two different parts to our minds; the conscious mind, i.e. the logical and rational part, and the unconscious mind, i.e. emotional, contains deeply held beliefs, and...
Are you at Cause or Effect?

Are you at Cause or Effect?

It’s really easy for our minds to jump straight to the negative. I think for many riders, it’s a kind of default setting! When we’re thinking negatively, it can make us feel really stuck and demotivated. If we can develop self-awareness around what...
My favourite 3 letter word

My favourite 3 letter word

Nope, it’s not a swear word! The word I’m talking about can flip your thinking instantaneously, and I’d love you to try it out for size. But first, let’s think of where it’s useful. As a rider, we all have those mindset gremlins that can...