What do you want to do?

What do you want to do?

What do YOU want to do?   Not what everyone else thinks you should do. Not what your yard buddies think. Not what your coach tells you. Not what your friends and family think you ought to do. Not what you think you SHOULD do.  What do YOU want to do with YOUR horse? ...
Creating Monsters

Creating Monsters

As freelance coach, I go to a lot of yards, and speak to an awful lot of riders, and there’s one thing that I hear repeatedly… people’s stories of how horrendous a fall/spook/incident was. Stories are told and retold. Other liveries embellish and...

10 ways to get the most from your riding lessons

Let’s face it, finding the money to invest in training for both you and your horse isn’t always easy, so here are my top tips to get the very best value from your lessons: Book your sessions in advance – Any good coach who is worth their salt will...

November Madness!

What a month November turned out to be! Busy doesn’t even come close to describing it all, what with teaching all hours God sends, alongside heading out for a whole heap of professional development events, I can safely say that I don’t think I’ve...

The Rider’s Hands

Improving the Rider’s Hands There are lots of novice riders who struggle to keep their hands in a good position and who struggle to maintain an even, elastic contact with the horse’s mouth. The good news is there are lots of ways to improve your hand position...