Why don’t horse riders look after themselves?

Why don’t horse riders look after themselves? www.theeverydayequestrian.co.uk I can honestly say that I look after my horses better than myself. It’s true! They have all their needs met; they have the very best diet, a structured exercise & work plan, they are...

The 5 Second Rule

The 5 Second Rule www.theeverydayequestrian.co.uk I’ve recently read a book by Mel Robbins, called ‘The 5 Second Rule’, and it is amazing! The concept is incredibly simple and can be used in any aspect of our lives, but I want to think about it in terms of horses and...

Stop being so hard on yourself!

Stop being so hard on yourself! www.theeverydayequestrian.co.uk I coach a wide variety of different riders and I can honestly say that I love doing it. My clients are primarily grass-roots level and for the most part just want to improve and enjoy the time they spend...

Managing horses and a family

Managing horses and a family www.theeverydayequestrian.co.uk I had my little girl 20 months ago, and it has been an absolutely whirlwind. We never really planned to have children; we’d always talked about it but had got to a point where we simply didn’t think it was...

Traditional Grooming

Traditional Grooming www.theeverydayequestrian.co.uk   We don’t groom our horses enough these days! Traditionally, when horses were working animals, grooms would be employed to provide the horse with a range of massage and grooming techniques, and I think it’s a...

To rug or not to rug…

To rug or not to rug? www.theeverydayequestrian.co.uk   My horse struggles to keep weight on. He always has, it’s just the way he is. He’s been checked by the vets (lots!), but he’s just not driven by food. Consequently, he has a body condition score of 3/5,...