Time to Ride

Time to Ride www.theeverydayequestrian.co.uk   We’re at the time of year where the nights are now longer and darker, and it can be difficult to maintain motivation to ride and keep our horses fit and strong.  So how can we do the best for our horses and fit in...

Do we take worming seriously enough?

Do we take worming horses seriously enough? www.theeverydayequestrian.co.uk   Worms, or more correctly, internal parasites, can be at best a nuisance or at worst fatal to horses. There are so many different types, it can be difficult to know how best to manage...

Brilliant Bedding

Brilliant Bedding www.theeverydayequestrian.co.uk   I’ve tried most types of bedding over the years, from straw to shavings to paper. I admit that I haven’t used cardboard! But my all-time favourite is wood pellets. I’ve been using them for about 18 months &...

Supplements vs. Balancers

Supplements for Horses www.theeverydayequestrian.co.uk I know an awful lot of horse owners who add things to their horse’s feed. In my experience, there seems to be a trend for feeding horses a mixture of chaff, nuts and an array of supplements. Now don’t get me...

Managing the veteran horse

Managing the Veteran Horse www.theeverydayequestrian.co.uk For many horse owners, there comes a time when your horse gets older and his needs change. For some, this might happen at a reasonably young age, but for others changes may not become evident until the horse...

Feeding Hay in the Field

Feeding hay in the field www.theeverydayequestrian.co.uk Not many of us are lucky enough to have an endless acreage of pasture for our horses. Indeed, many livery yards restrict turnout over the winter months so much that we’re lucky to let our horse’s stretch their...