10 ways to save money with horses

  No matter what you tell your other half, horses are expensive. But don’t worry, there are things you can do to try to be a little thriftier & save money for the fun stuff, like competing, going to events, shopping, etc.   Buy in bulk So we’re coming to...

10 ways to improve your riding

Get fitter The top professional riders know this, but as amateurs a lack of fitness can often get eclipsed by work, family and simply the time involved in riding & managing horses. So anything you can do to improve your cardiovascular fitness is only going to help...

10 horse things to do each month

Clean your tack! All the books say you should clean your tack after each time you ride, but really? Who has time for that? I certainly don’t, so my compromise is to do it monthly. It could be a quick wipe over or a more thorough, full strip of the saddle/bridle. You...

10 ways to help your horse in hot weather

10 ways to help your horse in hot weather   Offer some shade in the field. Wherever possible, ensure that your horse can get out of direct sunlight in the field. This might be a posh (or not!) field shelter, or using paddocks with decent hedges or trees.  ...

Top Tips for riding in the Winter

Top Tips for Riding in the Winter www.theeverydayequestrian.co.uk   We’re definitely in the grip of winter now and it can be a real challenge to get motivated to ride at this time of year. Time is precious and here are my top tips for riding in the winter: Wear...

Improve your horse’s straightness

Improve your horse’s straightness www.theeverydayequestrian.co.uk   Most horses start their ridden career with a degree of one-sidedness; just as we prefer to use one hand over the other, or curl our legs up a certain side when we’re sitting on the sofa while...