Rules of Relaxation

Rules of Relaxation   The first basic ‘rung’ of the German Scales of Training is rhythm, which is such a key component of the training of any ridden horse. However, for me rhythm can only really be achieved if the horse is relaxed....

Rewarding your horse

Rewarding your Horse I’m a big believer in rewarding my horses when they try hard, or do something that I ask. But I’m quite particular in howI reward & praise them. I’ve seen many people give their horses praise, but some methods...

Connect to the contact

Connect to the Contact What does the word ‘contact’ mean to you in terms of riding? For me, I think of the connection that I have with the horse down my arms, through the reins to bit and the horse’s mouth. I believe that it should be a...

[1] Slave to the rhythm

What is ‘rhythm’? Rhythm means how regular the steps are at each pace. Every stride should be a consistent length, height and level of impulsion (energy). For example: Walk – four clear hoof beats, at a good ‘marching’ pace Trot – two hoof beats. The horse’s legs move...