
Exercise to relax a tense horse with your seat

by | May 4, 2023 | Rider Confidence | 0 comments

Understanding how we process sensory information can significantly influence how we experience nerves, anxiety, and fear when riding our horse. We use our ‘internal representational systems’, which refer to the primary ways we perceive and internalise our experiences through our senses, to make provide information about our experiences. Our mind filters and uses this information to make meaning of our subjective experience, as a point of reference for the future.

Our internal representational systems are visual (seeing), auditory (hearing), kinesthetic (feeling), gustatory (tasting), and olfactory (smelling). The processed information from each of these senses will impact how your unconscious mind processes your world and have an impact on how you feel about yourself, your horse and riding. 

Visual (Seeing)

If you tend to think in pictures, you might visualise potential problems while riding, like imagining a fall or picturing the horse becoming spooked. These vivid mental images can make you feel more anxious. To manage this, you can refocus your mind on visualising exactly what you actually want to happen, in as much detail as you can. Your mind really doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s imagined, and will respond to precisely what you tell it! So using this to your advantage and use your brilliant imagination to create a visualised scenario where things happen exactly as you want them to, and where you manage any surprises with ease and confidence. 

Auditory (Hearing)

If you’re sensitive to sounds, the external noise of the horse’s hooves, your horse’s breathing, or sounds from the environment will all add to how you experience riding your horse. Internal sounds, such as your self-talk are also an important factor, since we often don’t realise quite how we speak to ourselves in our mind! Listening to calming music (where it’s safe to do so, obviously!), and positively managing your self-talk before and during your ride will help boost your confidence.

Kinaesthetic (Feeling)

If you are someone who is highly attuned to your feelings and emotions, you might be acutely aware of every physical sensation in your body and how it makes you feel. You might be aware of a knot in your stomach, tightness in your throat, or a very real feeling of having your legs turn to jelly! These type of physical sensations quickly transmit an alert to your mind, triggering nerves, anxiety and even fear. Practising deep breathing or other relaxation techniques can help you manage these physical sensations and reduce your anxiety.

Gustatory (Tasting)

As riders, the sense of taste is one we don’t often think about, and it’s closely tied to memory, where certain flavours can trigger emotional responses. I know of riders who chew minty gum before they ride (never chew gum while riding, as it is a choking hazard), and that minty sensation on their tongue can anchor feelings of readiness and confidence. Being mindful of what you eat or drink before riding and choosing flavours that you find comforting or refreshing can help trigger a shift in how you feel. 

Olfactory (Smelling)

Certain smells can evoke powerful emotional responses. I don’t know about you, but I love the slightly warm, sweaty smell of horses who have just worked (that sounds weird, doesn’t it?!). As a child, I dreamed of the smell horses, of leather tack, and even now the first fly spray of the summer brings a reminiscence of happy hacking days. Find those smells which make you feel good and remind you of happy times, then make use of these whenever you can. 

Recognising which of these sensory inputs resonates with you most will provide you with simple tools to improve your riding confidence. By consciously adjusting how you seek out and use these sensory inputs, you can help yourself feel more in control and less anxious while riding. 


While each of us might have a preference for one or more internal representational systems, such as visual, auditory, or kinesthetic, it’s important to note that we don’t exclusively use just one; our mind gathers and uses information from all of them. Think of it like having a favourite tool in a toolbox; even though you might prefer one tool, you still use the others when the situation requires it.

For instance, even if you primarily process your experience in a primarily visual way by imagining scenarios and pictures in your mind, your mind will still also pay attention to what you hear, the physical sensations you feel, the tastes and smells that surround you. Each sense provides a different piece of the puzzle, contributing to a fuller understanding and experience of your environment.

This means when you’re riding your horse and trying to manage anxiety, even though you might focus on using your preferred sensory channel, such as visualising calm and successful rides, you’ll also benefit from tuning into the sounds that calm you, the feel of the horse beneath you, and even calming scents or flavours. Using a combination of all your senses can help create a richer, more grounded experience that can be more effective in managing your nerves.

Simple Tips


Focus on shifting your mindset by vividly imagining positive outcomes. Instead of letting your mind linger on potential challenges, picture yourself riding smoothly, handling challenges with ease, and finishing your ride successfully. This practice of visualisation can help build your confidence and reassurance. 


Integrate calming sounds into your daily routine to help soothe your nerves. This could be as simple as listening to the radio while you tack up, or repeating positive affirmations to yourself such as “I am calm and in control” or “I trust my abilities and my horse.” These auditory cues can help create a mental environment of calmness and positivity.


Use physical relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety and physical tension. Before riding, try doing some gentle stretches, deep breathing exercises, or progressive muscle relaxation—where you tense and then relax different muscle groups. This not only relaxes your body but also prepares your mind for a more comfortable and focused ride.


Choose flavours that evoke a sense of calm and enjoyment for you. This might mean having a peppermint or a piece of dark chocolate before you ride or sipping herbal tea like chamomile which is known for its soothing properties. These tastes can trigger positive sensory memories and help calm your nerves.


Introduce a comforting and familiar scent into your riding environment. This could be applying a dab of lavender oil on your wrist or adding a few drops of tea tree oil to your riding gear. The smell of chamomile can also be soothing. These scents can significantly enhance your emotional state by triggering positive associations and reducing stress, creating a more relaxing atmosphere for both you and your horse.

By actively engaging these sensory strategies, you can better manage your emotions and enhance your overall riding experience. Each tip is designed to help you focus, relax, and enjoy your time with your horse, making your rides more pleasant and successful.


In conclusion, understanding how your internal representational systems influence your emotions can help you manage your nerves and anxieyt around riding. By recognising your preferred internal representational systems, you can use different strategies to feel calmer and more in control, so you can become a more confident rider. 

Riding a tense horse isn’t always fun, and it can feel frustrating and challenging for the rider. There are so many ways to relax a tense horse, and in this article, I want to share a really simple and effective way to help the horse relax and move through his (or her) body so that your horse becomes more rideable and trainable. 

I was working with a lady who was struggling with her tense, tight horse. During the warm-up at the start of her lesson, the mare was tight through her back, not tracking up, and what I would call ‘scooting’ along; her strides were short and tense. The rider looked like she was ‘perched on top’ of the horse, and trying to send the horse forward with her legs which only resulted in the mare jogging and becoming even more tense.

Now, I want to address the elephant in the room here and say that the horse was happy, comfortable, sound and her tack was correctly fitted. There were no behavioural signs of discomfort or pain, merely a level of tension through her body, and an inability to relax in the moment. That said, it was the very start of the session and the mare had just come out of her stable, so it was understandable that she hadn’t yet had the chance to physically and mentally loosen up.

Where are they?

I had asked the rider to check in with her seat bones and become more aware of how they were moving in response to the four-beat rhythm of the horse’s walk. She was quiet for a moment, then said “I can’t actually feel my seat bones, so I can’t feel how they’re moving!”. I absolutely love that she was able to share this with me; so often I have to dig around and question how much a rider really understands, and while I try hard not to make assumptions, we’re all human, right?

So we paused, she brought her horse to a halt, and while I held her horse she took her feet out of her stirrups and let her legs hang long. I asked her to drop her reins onto her horse’s neck (it was safe to do so), and place her hands underneath her bottom so they were between the rider and the saddle. I then asked her to gently move her pelvis side to side, forward and back, until she could feel the points of both seat bones. It took a little while, but she was surprised to discover that she did indeed still have seat bones! Interestingly, she noticed that she had more weight through her right seat bone than her left, and that the right seat bone was in a more forward position than the left. Hmm, things to work on here!

The rider took her stirrups and reins back, I asked her to move into walk and explore whether she could find both seat bones and check in with their position and weight distribution. She discovered that not only did her right seat bone sit more forward than the left, suggesting an underlying crookedness in her alignment, but she felt consistently more weight through her right seat bone too. 

We progressed through walk and trot, it became apparent that as the rider became more aware of her seat bones, she began to move with the horse more easily. That’s not to say that she was pushing and shoving through her seat, no, absolutely not! Instead, the rider’s hips and pelvis were visibly softer, and she was better able to respond to the movement of the horse underneath her. 

What happened?

The key outcomes of this was that the horse’s stride lengthened in both walk and trot. The mare lengthened her neck and began to relax and seek a more consistent contact in both reins. The rider sat with more poise, and while her hips were more mobile (not quite Shakira, but we’re working on it), she was quieter through the rest of her position; less tension overall and less nagging with her legs). Was it perfect? No. Was is progress? 100% yes. 

So, why am I telling you this? Because taking the time to notice and get curious about what your body is doing, opens the door to discovery and allows space for different ways of thinking and feeling. The mind-body connection is very, very real, so in those moments of tension, for either horse or rider, it can be hugely beneficial to pay attention to the detail and dial into one particular area of our body, and get curious about what is happening there. 

This does however come with a caveat… being curious about something requires an independent, non-judgemental approach. I see too many riders start to notice things and then use those elements of their riding as an excuse to beat themselves up. 

I can promise you with absolute certainty, that every single rider on the planet has things to work on, things to improve, things to get better at, and the process is a wonderful journey of never-ending discovery. That’s the joy, right? So take a step back, find an obsession with learning and discovery, stay objective, and focus on finding ways to enjoy the process of enjoying your time with your horse, in whatever way is right for you. 

So let me know if this resonates with you, and give it a try next time you or your horse are feeling the tension!

Ready to learn more?

FREE Rider Confidence Guide

I’ve created a FREE downloadable guide, packed with some of my most effective techniques, to help YOU become more positive and excited about riding again.

Everything you need to become a confident rider

  • Overcome your nerves, anxiety and those pesky ‘what ifs’ around riding your horse
  • Manage your mindset and your emotions, so you can be the rider your horse needs and wants
  • Follow a step-by-step proven framework to grow your confidence, whatever your starting point
  • Tailor your learning experience to meet your specific needs in your situation
  • Join an incredible community of riders who build each other up and share our successes along the way

The Rider's Guide to Managing Your Inner Voice

🐴 Are you really hard on yourself as a rider? Beat yourself up for every mistake? Hold yourself to unrealistic standards and struggle with perfectionism?

➡️ Break free from your ‘Negative Nelly’ inner voice and discover a more enjoyable way to ride with confidence! 

Dive into our exclusive Ebook, “Rider’s Guide to Managing Your Inner Voice,” and reignite your love for riding. 

✅ Conquer those nagging thoughts of ‘shoulds’ and self-sabotage

✅ Let go of perfectionism and avoidance tactics

✅ Transform your mindset and start making the best memories together with your horse

👉 Don’t let excuses hold you back any longer. Grab your copy now and start riding with confidence! 🚀🐎


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