How Video Coaching Can Help With Showjumping

Would you love to be able to jump more double clears? Perhaps you’d like to achieve a more balanced, adjustable canter? It could be that you’re struggling to see a stride and need to improve this before you can move up a level.

If you’re a rider who loves show jumping, then remote rider video coaching can help you improve your skills so that you can achieve your jumping goals!

Let’s take a closer look at what video coaching is, and how it can help you improve your showjumping rounds!

What is online rider video coaching and how does it work?

Online rider video coaching is a convenient way of solving jumping and general riding issues in a virtual setting. Riders have the ability at their own convenience to send off videos of themselves riding to their coach and receive constructive, detailed and positive feedback.

You’ll be pleased to hear that online video coaching is very easy to use. As long as you own a smartphone (Android or Apple) and have a reasonable connection to the internet then you have pretty much everything you need to take part in video coaching. It really is as simple as that!

Once you have identified the area of your riding you need help with, contact your preferred coach (I can help you HERE!) and wait for them to send you the invite to join their online video coaching community.

All you need to do from here is find someone to video you riding. Make sure your video demonstrates the problems you are experiencing clearly. Once complete, simply upload your video to the app (I use Equiratings OnForm software). Then all you need to do is wait for your coach to come back to you with a detailed analysis and constructive feedback.

Feedback is provided in a variety of ways:

    • Voiceover Recording
    • Drawing tools to highlight and clarify directly on the video
    • Frame by frame scrolling, quarter speed and half speed.
    • Side by side comparisons (Where possible)

Over time, you will build up a series of videos of your riding which are all stored securely in the cloud. This is a great way of tracking your progress and identifying the areas in which you have made improvements. Keeping a visual log in this way means you can refer back to videos at any time, sit back and reflect in months or years to come.

Why is video coaching beneficial for showjumpers?

Video coaching can be very beneficial for riders looking to improve their showjumping technique. It can be a great way to get down to the root cause of jumping problems whilst coming to valuable solutions with your coach.

Online video training can provide detailed, constructive and positive feedback to you promptly, at a time and place that suits your schedule. The video analysis can provide a more in-depth look into the issues you are experiencing with your riding. It can also assist your coach in getting down to the nitty-gritty of the problem.

By providing your coach with a short video clip of you riding you can get help with specific problems. For example, improving your jumping position, help with combinations or achieving a better take off at a jump.

The coach will be able to suggest ways to resolve the underlying problem and offer guidance to develop and improve both horse and rider.

You can find out more about how rider video coaching can help you HERE

What showjumping problems can be solved using video coaching?

With online video rider coaching the possibilities are endless. There are an array of benefits to this method of coaching. It is true to say that many riders miss out on the opportunity to improve their jumping technique and solve problems via this means. 

Some key examples of showjumping problems that can be resolved through online rider video coaching are:

  • Rider Biomechanics (jumping position and correct aids
  • Related distances for jumping
  • Striding issues
  • Gridwork exercises
  • Polework exercises
  • Jumping combinations
  • Preventing knockdowns
  • Coaching over different types of fences
  • Building jumping confidence

This is by no means an exhaustive list. There are many more ways in which online video coaching can help solve showjumping problems.

Where can I take part in online rider video coaching?

If you are interested in taking part in online rider video coaching and would like to find out more click HERE

Ready to learn more?

FREE Rider Confidence Guide

I’ve created a FREE downloadable guide, packed with some of my most effective techniques, to help YOU become more positive and excited about riding again.

Everything you need to become a confident rider

  • Overcome your nerves, anxiety and those pesky ‘what ifs’ around riding your horse
  • Manage your mindset and your emotions, so you can be the rider your horse needs and wants
  • Follow a step-by-step proven framework to grow your confidence, whatever your starting point
  • Tailor your learning experience to meet your specific needs in your situation
  • Join an incredible community of riders who build each other up and share our successes along the way

The Rider's Guide to Managing Your Inner Voice

🐴 Are you really hard on yourself as a rider? Beat yourself up for every mistake? Hold yourself to unrealistic standards and struggle with perfectionism?

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✅ Let go of perfectionism and avoidance tactics

✅ Transform your mindset and start making the best memories together with your horse

👉 Don’t let excuses hold you back any longer. Grab your copy now and start riding with confidence! 🚀🐎


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