Who’s in your team?

“We are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with” Jim Rohn 

As horse riders, it’s essential that we surround ourselves with people who support and challenge us to be the best we can be. All too often in the horse world, I come across people who are at best negative, and at worst actively vile. People like this can erode rider’s confidence in the shortest time, if you allow them to. 

On the flip side, by connecting with people who genuinely have your best interests at heart, you will find yourself guided, supported and positively challenged to build your riding skills and your confidence. These might be good friends, yard buddies, professionals such as coaches, other riders, or mentors.  

Please don’t think you need some huge entourage like Beyonce, that’s not what I’m saying!  

But it is important to reflect on who you are engaging with, listening to and following, in real life and, dare I say it, on social media. No, it’s not all about you, but if you want to get and stay confident, then spend a little time reflecting on who you’re connecting with on a regular basis.  

If you believe that people aren’t on your wavelength, or actively make you feel less than awesome, then think about whether you need them in your life. 

If you need help and support to build your riding confidence and build a positive mindset, click the button below.

Ready to learn more?

FREE Rider Confidence Guide

I’ve created a FREE downloadable guide, packed with some of my most effective techniques, to help YOU become more positive and excited about riding again.

Everything you need to become a confident rider

  • Overcome your nerves, anxiety and those pesky ‘what ifs’ around riding your horse
  • Manage your mindset and your emotions, so you can be the rider your horse needs and wants
  • Follow a step-by-step proven framework to grow your confidence, whatever your starting point
  • Tailor your learning experience to meet your specific needs in your situation
  • Join an incredible community of riders who build each other up and share our successes along the way

The Rider's Guide to Managing Your Inner Voice

🐴 Are you really hard on yourself as a rider? Beat yourself up for every mistake? Hold yourself to unrealistic standards and struggle with perfectionism?

➡️ Break free from your ‘Negative Nelly’ inner voice and discover a more enjoyable way to ride with confidence! 

Dive into our exclusive Ebook, “Rider’s Guide to Managing Your Inner Voice,” and reignite your love for riding. 

✅ Conquer those nagging thoughts of ‘shoulds’ and self-sabotage

✅ Let go of perfectionism and avoidance tactics

✅ Transform your mindset and start making the best memories together with your horse

👉 Don’t let excuses hold you back any longer. Grab your copy now and start riding with confidence! 🚀🐎


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