

3 questions to help you find your riding confidence

3 questions to help you find your riding confidence

Are you a rider who is struggling with nerves around riding? Maybe you experience anxiety or you have that endless reel of what ifs going around your head? What if it goes wrong? What if my horse spooks? What if I fall off?  I know how that feels. I've been there and...

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Finding time to improve your riding confidence

Finding time to improve your riding confidence

As horse owners and riders, we have to put our horse’s management, care and welfare first. We invest huge amounts of time, energy and money into making sure that our horses have everything they need so that we can have lots of fun together, and achieve our equestrian...

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Horse riders: Confidence is a skill that can be learned

Horse riders: Confidence is a skill that can be learned

Many horse riders, particularly those struggling with nerves, anxiety and fear around riding, believe that confidence is either something they have, or they don’t. As if confidence is some magical, mystical thing that some riders are lucky enough to have or not.  But...

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What is NLP and how does it help horse riders?

What is NLP and how does it help horse riders?

You might have heard of NLP, you might even have tried it, and it’s such a powerful tool for horse riders. It has been around since the early 1970s, and is used by therapists and psychologists from across the world.  In this article, we’ll be exploring: What is NLP?...

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How to build positive mental health for riders

How to build positive mental health for riders

Horse riding can be a great activity for your physical health, but have you thought about how you can support your mental wellbeing as a horse rider? Here, Katie Allen-Clarke from Horse & Country is on hand to give you some tips. Take time to rest Horse riding is...

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5 steps to staying confident when riding a tense horse

5 steps to staying confident when riding a tense horse

We’ve all been there, you’re riding and your horse suddenly sees something in the distance that they’re not quite sure about, their ears prick up, their head lifts so they seem at least 2 hands taller, their body tenses, and sometimes you can even feel their...

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3 secrets of resilient horse riders

3 secrets of resilient horse riders

How well do you ‘bounce back’ when things do go to plan? How resilient are you? Owning and riding horses can be an endless roller coaster of amazing highs and lows, which can be difficult to navigate at the best of times.  Resilient riders show some key skills which...

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Be a more confident rider by changing your perception.

Be a more confident rider by changing your perception.

It’s easy to get stuck in a negative mindset around riding, especially when it feels like nothing is going right, things are tough and you’re feeling stuck. When this happens, we start to lose motivation and even begin to avoid doing the thing that’s worrying us at...

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How to use visualisation to build your riding confidence

How to use visualisation to build your riding confidence

Visualisation, also known as imagery and mental rehearsal, is a powerful way to control your emotions, manage stress and improve performance. It can be used across all aspects of our lives to promote a positive, resilient mindset and to help us achieve our goals and...

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